PARTNERS need our products for Serbia and abroad.
Distributors can be both natural and legal persons. The products you see on our website and
rights / requirements for a license for distribution.
Anyone who seriously identify business opportunities in the conclusion of partnership with us let us tell to mail distribucija@secamcctv.co.rs
• Leskovac | PC Centar |
• Nis | PC Centar |
• Novi Sad | Simons |
• Montenegro | ALnet |
• BiH | Wanted |
• Macedonia | Wanted |
Franshinzing is a special form of manifestation of contractual marketing that is done with the individualistic elements of marketing (brand). It is a business relationship in which the franchisor franchise awarded to the recipient the right to work with and sell products and / or services produced by franchisor in accordance with specified conditions of business and protected under the commercial name.
Franchising is a connection of two groups of economic entities, a separate franchise agreement, while business activities in manufacturing, distribution or provision of services. On one side is already known and recognized company or a company with branded products and services that would continue to place new markets and therefore takes on the other hand, several other entrepreneurs who will continue to sell these new markets. First, the company has Franchisor, Franchisor (fransizant), and other recipients of the franchise. So connected and united in the franchise business principles build a franchising system. For our conditions and in accordance with our language, perhaps it is best to use the term Franchisor Franchisor, and Franchisee and recipients - fransizant. Franchising allows and requires individual Franchisee, in exchange for direct or indirect financial compensation, to use protective holder's name franchise - franchisor for the product or service, know-how, business and technological methods, composition and other procedural rights to production or intellectual property , with continuous provision of commercial and technological assistance, within the time frame specified in the written franchise agreement which is concluded between the parties for this purpose. Lay terms, the franchise is a business association in which the successful business concept, which successfully operates on a field, clone with its parent field to another, the principle of "key in hand".
As already stated, to enter the enterprise buying a franchise can be a safer way to start your own private business, because it is in the interest of both parties, and Franchisor fanšizanta to work successfully and to develop. Franchising can also be treated as a merge of available resources and capabilities. Franchisor invest initial capital, knowledge and experience, and franchisees give their contribution through additional investment capital, motivation and business experience in many different markets. Franchising is a complex, comprehensive business relationship, not just a buyer-seller relationship. Franchising is a form of business connection to minimize business risk. Fransizor, entering into the network of existing business units that operate under the same model reduces the risk by using the following advantages: the possibility of rapid entry into the work, elaborated technology work, resolved the issue licenses, conquered the market, the appropriate department or trademark, reputation, joint marketing, standardized quality. Unique model selection and training of personnel, assistance in the management, control and development of starna Franchisor, independently deciding on profit - after the routing of the total contracted revenue to the account of Franchisor as compensation for the use of business models. Franchisor will reduce your risk of strengthening competition and capturing the market for which no power on samsotalno, sold his mind (a model of organization, know-how) and provides a reduction in unit fixed costs incurred by investing in the idea of business ownership. Furthermore the usefulness of this kind of business connection provider franchise is reflected in the elimination of operating costs and maintenance of related business objects and a range of other benefit.
If you are interested to become part of SecamCCTV can occur in the following mail fransiza@secamcctv.co.rs